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Should you join a scale-up

This probably should have been the very first chapter. But hey, we got here when we got, so let’s deal with that.

So, is a scale-up something for you? Should you consider scale-up organisations, and when should you consider them? This is what we are going to talk about today.

Typically in a scale-up, you will face a standard set of challenges: lack of processes, structure, frameworks, and a lot of inefficient communication. This is very common because those things are less required in small-sized companies, startups. You can solve all the issues quickly because you know everybody, it’s a small team, and you all sit together and know everything inside-out. When the company steps into a scale-up phase it start facing challenges. Are you ready for those? Do you want them to be your challenges? Or will they drain your energy and burn you out?

Here are several questions you need to answer “YES” to in order to confidently say that you should be joining a scale-up. And we are talking management positions here eh?

Are you a scale-up material question #1

Have you worked in a corporate environment and learned the ropes, the processes and procedures? Have you picked up the frameworks that make employees’ lives easier? Do you feel like you can implement those yourself? “Yes” to all of these? Then moving on…

Are you a scale-up material question #2

Do you think you will get satisfaction from implementing those processes and procedures, investing tons of your time into meetings when you will be explaining step by step to many different stakeholders? Still “Yes”?

Are you a scale-up material question #3

Do you have the endurance to keep on pushing week after week, month after month, trying different approaches and facing resistance and criticism? Still “Yes”?

If all above were “yes” then you, my friend, are ready for your amazing adventure in a scale-up environment.

Why do you need corporate experience?

We all hate corporates with their politics and bureaucracy, fat management layer and tons of people who just fall through the crack and spend their time keeping chairs warm and delivering zero value to the business. Well, there are people who love it, they usually tend to be those falling through cracks, or shouting so loud about their importance while spending their time in endless meetings without any clear agenda.

But in the corporate world, there are lots of greatness as well. Lots of resources are invested into building structures, frameworks, and processes. If you are smart enough (and I hope you are) you’ll take the maximum from your experience in the corporate world. Learn what is working and why is it working, and dig deep into the implementation and rollout. Get this experience – it is priceless.

After that, you are equipped to face scale-up challenges. You know what is missing, you know where to begin. The solution is never exactly the same, but you have a solid foundation to start building on.

Why startup experience is not enough?

If you only worked in startups, you are probably awesome and you move fast. But if you’ve never been to the other side, you simply don’t have the experience of the different world. Again, it’s not always the case, and you may have a great network and learn fast from your friends. Good for you. But in most of the cases, switching from a startup to a scale-up company would be very challenging for you. Things you knew, that worked great in the past – they become inefficient, you lose focus and get frustrated. You cannot move the needle anymore, because your old tricks don’t work anymore.

Have you found yourself in this position? Don’t freak out! It is normal. Breath! Find a colleague who has a different experience, and spar with them. No colleagues like this? Check out your circle, you must have friends who work in a larger company. Invite them for a beer and have a chat. Lay it all out and ask how they deal with those challenges.